Meet the Team

Please click below to meet the team behind MySwan.
  • Researchers

    Raoul Mulder

    Raoul is a Professor in the School of BioSciences at the University of Melbourne. He lectures in animal behaviour and has worked on a variety of Australian birds over the past two decades, studying mating systems, social behaviour and communication. He leads the research team studying the black swans at Albert Park (Raoul’s website).

    Ken Kraaijeveld

    Ken carried out his Phd from 1999-2003 on the swans of Lake Wendouree in Ballarat. The focus of his work was understanding the function of the unusual curled feathers on the wings of black swans. Ken pioneered many of the research methods we use today, and was ably helped by the Field Naturalists Club of Ballarat, in particular John Gregurke and Carol Hall. Ken is now at the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands (Ken’s website).

    Patrick-Jean Guay

    Patrick-Jean completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne and is now a Research Fellow at Victoria University. He has a long-standing interest in waterbirds and together with students is conducting a number of studies investigating hybridisation in ducks, the ecologu and conservation genetics of waterfowl and the influence of human disturbance on bird populations (Patrick-Jean’s website).

  • Development Team

    Sanjana Ratan
    Sanjana is a postgraduate student at the University, pursuing her Master’s degree in IT from the School of Computing. She is interning with the Science IT department as a Developer and built this website. Sanjana is passionate about coding, sketching and blogging. She is also a sportsperson and so, often she plays outdoor games like basketball and football.


    Melissa Makin
    Melissa is the Acting Manager of Science IT at the University of Melbourne. She completed her PhD in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne in 2011. She helped guide Sanjana’s progress through rebuilding this site. Melissa is a voracious reader.

    Melissa Makin

    Joji Mori

    Joji is a PhD student from the Department of Information Systems. He helped build a previous version of this website. Joji is interested in the relationship between technology and society in general, so the website fits that mold. He also enjoys distance running and often runs past the Black Swans on the Yarra river and Albert Park lake. (Joji’s website)

    Insightful Systems

    Shaun Cotter and Horace Yao from Insightful Systems helped build the Filemaker database and previous version of the web interface that is used to provide you with instant feedback on your swans.